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Ger (1950) en Riny (1947) zijn beiden geboren in Zuid-Limburg (Nederland)
Vanaf 1972 wonen we in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Alhoewel we allebei nog steeds een Limburgse tongval hebben wonen we inmiddels al langer in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen dan in Limburg.
Via Terneuzen en Philippine zijn we nu sinds 1998 gesetteld in Breskens.
Riny heeft jarenlang als verpleegkundige gewerkt. Na haar 60e jaar was ze heel blij dat ze haar schort aan de wilgen mocht hangen. Ger heeft eerst een carrière gehad als verpleegkundige in een algemeen ziekenhuis, later werd hij directeur school voor verpleegkundigen en ziekenverzorgenden. Na een leven lang werk en studie combineren heeft Ger op latere leeftijd (2003) zijn Master titel Information Manager behaald bij Tilburg University.Ger heeft in 2012 zijn actieve loopbaan afgerond.
Bij KISP in Gent (Belgie) volgde hij een cursus vakfotografie. Zijn trotse bezit is een Canon EOS D5 full-frame spiegelreflexcamera.
We genieten elk jaar het meest van de zomervakantie, in de periode tot 2000 vooral in Frankrijk, de latere jaren is ons reisdoel Italie. Wij maken al ruim 10 jaar gebruik van de mogelijkheid voor huizenruilen. Dit biedt ons de mogelijkheid meerder keren per jaar op vakantie te gaan.
Zoon Bart (1976) is gehuwd met Keetie, zij wonen in Milton Keynes UK. Bart behaalde in 2010 zijn PhD (International Economics) in Maastricht. Bart is a Professor in learning Analytics at the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University Milton Keynes UK.
Dochter Marjolein (1980) is gehuwd met Robert Jan. Zij wonen in St. Michielsgestel. Marjolein heeft haar Masterstudie Psychologie / Onderwijskunde gedaan op de Maastricht University. Marjolein werkt als zzp-er.
Marjolein en Robert Jan hebben 4 kinderen. Bente(2009), Pepijn (2010), Floris (2013) en Carel (2019)
April 2021 is de Friese Stabij Eva bij ons komen wonen.
We hebben ook nog een toom kippen
About Us
Ger (1950) and Riny (1947) were born in the Netherlands in the province of Limburg, in particular in the South of Limburg. Since 1972 we have lived in the province Zeeland, in the country of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Although we have been living in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen for a longer time than we have in province of Limburg, we still kept our local dialect from Limburg. After having lived in Terneuzen and Philippine, we settled in the fishingvillage of Breskens 1998. Riny worked as a nurse for more than 40 years, and she is quiet happy to be fully retired. Ger started his career as a nurse and has continued his lifelong studies in education. Since 1995, he transformed his passion into this profession. As a information manager, he has provided management reports and analyses of complex databases. After a lifelong studying, Ger has obtained his master degree Information Management at the University of Tilburg in 2003. In 2012 Ger has formally retired.
The highlights of the year are our holidays. Uptil the year 2000, we primarily travelled to the South of France. In more recent years, our destination has mainly changed to Italy.
Son Bart (1976) lives with his wife Keetie, in Milton Keynes (UK). Bart obtained his PhD in Educational Psychology at Maastricht University in 2010. At present, he works as Professor in learning Analytics at the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University Milton Keynes UK.
Our daughter Marjolein (1980) lives with her husband Robert Jan in St. Michielsgestel. Marjolein obtained a Master degree in Psychology at Maastricht University and currently works as a consultant. Furthermore, we have the privilege to visit and look after our four grand children. Travelling to St. Michielsgestel may be rather tiresome, but the joy to see our grand children smile, play and grow can not be described in any words. We have 4 grand children Bente (2009), Pepijn, (2010), Floris (2013) and Carel (2019)
Since 2004, Riny has nurtured her feelings for languages and has been following various Italian language courses. First in small groups with an Italian teacher, afterwards in a vocational adult learning setting in Belgium. In 2010, Ger rediscovered his passion for photography and has been taking pictures with his buddy, the digital camera Canon Eos 5D, in the beautiful surroundings of Breskens, various holidays and of course the grand children. He currently follows a vocational training digital photography in Belgium.
We have a small stable of animals, our dog Eva and several chickens. As our house is situated in the country side of Breskens, we enjoy the sun, clean air, wide and stunning panoramic views, impressive clouds, and last but not least our astonishing garden and orchard. The beaches in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen are clean, quiet and deserted (except for the main season). We live close by the Panorama cycling route. As a result, when sitting in the garden, we hear a variety of European languages passing by in the summer, primarily Flemish, German and our Limburgs dialect
April 2021 Eva, a Frisian Stabij puppy of 4 months, came to live with us.
Chi Sono
Ger (1950) e Riny (1947) sono nati nei Paesi Bassi, nella provincia di Limburgo, in particolare nel sud del Limburgo. Dal 1972 hanno vissuto nella provincia di Zeeland, immerso nel verde Zelanda. Anche se hanno vissuto più a lungo in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (dalla confine di Belgio) che nel Limburgo, hanno ancora mantenuto il dialetto locale da Limburg. Dopo Terneuzen e Philippine (piccolo borgo in Zeeland), dal 1998 si sono stabilisati nel piccolo villaggio di pescatori Breskens. Riny ha lavorato come infermiera per più di 40 anni, ed è contenta che ora è in pensione completa.
Il figlio Bart (1976) si sono sposati Keetie a Milton Keynes in Inghilterra. Bart ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in economia internazionale l'Università di Maastricht nel 2010. Attualmente, lavora come Professore Universitario Learning Analytics ad the Institute of Educational Technology ad the Open University, Milton Keynes, Regno Unito.
Riny e Figlia Marjolein e nipote Carel (2019)
La figlia Marjolein (1980) si sono sposati con Robert Jan e vivono a St Michielsgestel. Marjolein (1980) ha ottenuto un Master in Psicologia presso l'Università di Maastricht e lavora come specialista educativo / sviluppatore accademica. Adesso hanno 4 figli (Bente (2009), Pepijn (2010), Floris (2013) e Carel (2019) Viaggiare per St. Michielsgestel può essere piuttosto faticoso, ma la gioia di vedere i nostri nipoti sorridere, giocare e crescere non può essere descritto con tutte le parole.